No-ware Exhibition, launch of "A Very Hard Cover Book" and DIY phone cover workshop.
The exhibition Noware' shows the shift from hardware, to software to something Dennis de Bel calls 'noware'. Cargo cult renditions of warez created in name of innovation, but resulting in a monotonous abundance.
On one hand the exhibition (HARD-, SOFT-) NO WARE facilitates a dialogue that playfully engages with and reverses notions of value, and ‘added-value’ and innovation versus inventiveness.
On the other hand the exhibition can be seen as Dennis de Bel artistic development, tracing his changing perceptions towards the notion of interactivity in relation to technology and object.
List of works:
Study For DIY Phone (2013)
Study for the ‘DIY Phone’ a hand-built, DIY smart-phone based on off the shelve hardware. Build for modularity, not size. Build for use, not crippled by ‘ease of use’. Slow-computing extravaganza.
Jugaad Cinema display & Genius Bar (2013)
Dual-display setup running fake OSX on open-source Linux. Made from tft-screens that had an 'x' etched into the screen, found in the trash of a bankrupt company.
Apple Cooking (2013)
Despite the terrible waste of resources and damage caused by overconsumption people always seem to try to find a way to put this perspective.
Jugaad Speakers (2014)
The Harman Kardon Soundsticks (+ iSub 2000) speaker series introduced in 2000 were specifically designed to fit into the Apple product family [1]. In contrary to these under-designed water bottle speakers, the original Soundsticks are extremely over-designed and offering low audio quality at a steep price. At least the design is transparent, literally, allowing one to view the interior components.
1). "Harman Kardon". Wikipedia., retrieved 3-1-2014.
Mop (2014)
Chinese style DIY mop, made from recycled Apple Store employee t-shirts.
Objects of Desire (2014)
Ornamental marble devices. D670,286 references to the U.S. patent owned by Apple, describing “The ornamental design for a portable display device” [2], effectively patenting a rectangle object with rounded corners.
Marble is a type of rock formed from minerals like calcite [3]. Calcite was used during the Second World war to make gunsights [4]. The guns using these so called ‘reflex’ type sights[5],[7] are still being used today, amongst others by the Congolese army (FARDC)[6] who are in bloody conflict with the m23 rebels over the control of the coltan mines [7].
2).,286&ei=zgW-dUNGqIIHo0QGsz4HQDQ, retrieved 3-1-2014.
3)., retrieved 3-1-2014.
4)., retrieved 3-1-2014.
5)., retrieved 3-1-2014.
6). DRC weaponslist:, retrieved 3-1-2014.
7)., retrieved 3-1-2014.
1 Minute Covers (2014)
Design for humans; exploring anthropometric data & ergonomics in a series of smart-phone covers made from everyday objects.
Smart Covers
Breadboard smart phone cover (2013): Power your electronic prototypes using your smart-phone, everywhere!
Hubba Bubba Workshop
Make your own silicone smart-phone cover from household materials.
Made possible by Worm and Roodkapje, Rotterdam
Photo credits: some photographs by jeroen arians
Keywords: Noware, disnovation, cargocult, chindogu/unuselessness, jugaad, shanzhai