O'Really?'s 'A Thing Or Two About Messing Around With Packet Radio' is 36-page instructional zine on how to make TCP/IP ('internet') connections using walkie talkies. It is a persiflage of the O'Reilley series of software manuals which tend to be about how to do code The Right Way™. This zine however takes a different stance and shows one of the easiest and quickest approaches to use this technique from the early eighties using contemporary devices and software. The manual shows how to wire a cheap chinese walkie talkie using custom cabling / pcbs to the sound card of a laptop. Then how to use software that turns the soundcard into a modem and configure it in such a way that it is recognized as a networking device, like your Wi-Fi port. While the technique is very slow (too slow for todays ad-infested over-jqueried web) it is an interesting way of dissecting the process of establishing a connection and building a network. All the discrete steps of what a network adaptor is and how it fits in a network are discussed and made visible. Aside from that there is no other way of making network connections over a few kilometers so cheaply and quickly, except for maybe Internet over Avian cariers . Download the Zine here